Astrology Courses

The Alchemy of Plants and Planets – 10 Week Course

The Alchemy of Australian Bush flower essences & Astrological archetypes

The Alchemy of Australian Bush flower Essences & Astrological Archetypes

Alchemy:  “meaning a process that is so effective that is seems like magic, managing by some extraordinary alchemy, to turn simplest ingredients into something very special.”

Australian Bush Flower Essences:  “the vibrational essence infused with the natural healing qualities of the flowers imprint.”

Astrology:  “The sacred contract of the soul, to evolve is to grow to your fullest potential in this lifetime.”

Combining the power of as above so below we can make magic can happen! In this 10-week course we will explore the signatures of the flowers gaining understanding into their energetic make up and imprints. We will explore the first three chakras and their relationships to these flowers, as well as gaining clarity into the correlating Astrological archetypes and their patterns in relation to the flowers and chakras. Over the 10 weeks, we will explore how to work creatively with essences both independently as well as combining the astrological archetypes that match these vibrations.  We will consider many elements of these two ancient crafts by working on incorporating our intuition, feelings wisdom and knowledge.

For this level one course an enthusiasm to learn is essential, as basic knowledge of astrology may be an advantage but is not essential.

Course includes workbook with notes, live face to face group sessions (recording provided) and a flower essence and journal to use over the course of the ten weeks.

Contact Lisa for more details or register below