International Speakers

Maurice Fernandez

Maurice has been practicing astrology for thirty years, with a passion for interpreting planetary cycles as a way to help others live fulfilling and healthy lives.

He was born in the heart of Africa, and moved to Israel as a teenager where he was first exposed to astrology in a professional way at age 18. He subsequently studied Evolutionary Astrology with Jeffrey Green in the course of the nineties. It was a natural language for him that provided a profound understanding about the nature of existence.

His approach to astrology is essentially spiritual, identifying how celestial cycles reflect our soul journey and reasons to be. He makes a point to deliver these vast concepts in a ways that can be used practically in every day life.

Maurice is trained as a Kundalini Yoga teacher and combine this with astrology studies when organising retreat immersions. Moreover, he is keenly interested in further developing inter-species communication and bridge consciousness between humans, animals, vegetation, and minerals. He has worked for the past 12 years with the White Lions of Timbavati for this purpose.

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