Astrological Consultations

Every soul’s journey is unique; Astrology is a key to understanding not only our self, but the many patterns that dwell within us. Self-awareness, understanding and growth, both psychological and evolutionary, are contained within the birth chart, enhancing our connections to both ourselves, our family and our connection to the threads that tie us to the universal energy of the cosmos.

The position of the planets are not necessarily random, as every planetary placement in the chart is preciously positioned by the universe and the souls intention in our continuing journey in this lifetime and the karma that we are ready to embrace.

Our Astrological Consultations are available in person, via Skype or Zoom or as written reports. Please see below for the varied astrological consultations available.

  • Initial consultation from; $275 (pensioner discounts available).
  • Follow up from; $125
  • Short Consultations from; $95
  • Session Bundles available
  • Personally Written report; POA

If you are unsure of what type of consultation would be right for you, book a discovery call!


Astrology Consultations

  • Evolutionary Astrology Natal Chart

    Natal Chart

    Put simply, the Natal Chart is a snap shot of the exact placements of the planets, asteroids and energies at the moment…

  • Evolutionary Astrology Transits and Progressions

    Transits & Progressions

    Life is filled with cycles, beginnings and endings, throughout our life time we do many dances with the planetary patterns as they…

  • Evolutionary Astrology Nodal Analysis

    Nodal Analysis

    The Birth Chart is not a random occurrence, where planets, signs and houses fall anywhere, with no reason or purpose. We chose…

  • Evolutionary Astrology Solar Return

    Solar Return

    Every year the Sun returns to its natal place of birth, hence the phrase “Many Happy Returns” giving us a snapshot of…

  • Evolutionary Astrology Relationship Charts

    Relationship / Composite Charts

    Relationships are forever changing and growing, and throughout their life cycle require support and to be feed. Looking at the chart of…

  • Evolutionary Astrology Children's Charts

    Children’s Charts

    Lets face it, to be some ones mother, father, son or daughter, feels like there must be some sort of karma? right?…

  • Asteroid Goddess Session

    The Asteroids in our chart connect us with the powerful goddess of Greek and Roman Myth and bring a rich and colour…